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Haarlemmer Buddha 2 Amsterdam niet geclaimd Niet geclaimd
Haarlemmerstraat 30-H
1013 ER Amsterdam
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Informatie over Haarlemmer Buddha 2 in Amsterdam

Winkel in hennepzaden en souvenirs. niet geclaimdBedrijf is niet geclaimd

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Onze bezoekers over Haarlemmer Buddha 2 in Amsterdam

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Reviews over Haarlemmer Buddha 2 in Amsterdam

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The PAX3 Vaporiser is not authentic, let say FAKE for 220Euro what you sold. I can not reach the company so if anybody has an idea how can I purchase a refund, I would be more than happy. I was on holiday in Amsterdam. The seller noticed the innocent tourist and sold the fake vapoiriser. I can not believe that the people could be so cruel.
star star star star star
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Very good smoking products and good price