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Habyt Netherlands B.V. Amsterdam

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(90 ct/min) en doorverbonden gesprek
1822 - Places Nummerinformatie
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Vijzelstraat 68, 1017 HL Amsterdam

Vestiging: Bekijk locatie

Over Habyt Netherlands B.V.

Het ontwerpen van, investeren in, de koop, verkoop, huur en verhuur van, alsmede het beheer en de aanpassing van woonruimte voor woningdelers in Nederland.

Onze bezoekers over Habyt Netherlands B.V. in Amsterdam

  • Algemene indruk van dit bedrijf
    4 beoordelingen
  • Beoordeling service van dit bedrijf
    4 beoordelingen
  • Prijs/kwaliteit verhouding van dit bedrijf
    4 beoordelingen
  • Totaal:
    12 beoordelingen
Bel Places Nummerinformatie

Bel met onze informatiedienst. Wij zoeken telefoonnummers, openingstijden en meer.
Kosten zijn 90ct/min en doorverbonden gesprek.

Meer in de categorie: Woonbemiddeling in Amsterdam

Reviews over Habyt Netherlands B.V. in Amsterdam

  • (2)

    So I'm going to share my chaotic experience with this agency. I am very disappointed by their lack of professionalism and their dishonesty. I moved into one of their properties in July 2022. The contract stated that the tenancy was for 2 years. 3 months later, in October, we received an email telling us that we had to leave the flat within 3 months because their rental contract with the owner was coming to an end and had not been renewed. - could have been great to be aware of that before moving. As this is not considered to be a legal reason for asking someone to leave, after several discussions we agreed on conditions. We agreed to leave in exchange for a full refund of the deposit and one month's rent not deducted. As this was all in writing and agreed in writing, it is legally considered to be a new contract and must be respected. However, after numerous reminders, and for almost 8 months now, I still haven't received the full amount of the deposit. Each time I get the same message saying that it has been sent to the finance department/ or no reply at all... IN ADDITION TO THIS, during our stay in the flat, we had visits without any prior notification from the agency. It's a bit disturbing to see a stranger at home at 8am lying and saying that an email had been sent but there was a technical problem with their system, this didnt just happen once. Lies upon lies. We also had numerous problems within the flat that were never repaired... They were only repaired a few days before our departure...

    13 sep. 2023 10:23:35
  • (8.7)

    Lange tijd een deelwonig gehuurd. Superaardig personeel, vooral Wouter.

    Zeker aan te raden.

    20 sep. 2021 17:50:24
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