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Galitta - Sound Healer | Musical artist | Guided Meditation | Storyteller Zaandam

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(90 ct/min) en doorverbonden gesprek
1822 - Places Nummerinformatie


Langestraat 27 1506, 1506 XE Zaandam

Vestiging: Bekijk locatie

Over Galitta - Sound Healer | Musical artist | Guided Meditation | Storyteller

I am a healer, creator and life coach using my Four Voices™ method to help transform old pain into joy and creative expression which is based on shamanic principles and the creative and healing arts.

As a creative, I am a singer/songwriter and a writer who teaches creative and automatic writing, intuitive painting, chanting and bodywork with voice.

My tribal heritage, rich artistic range and entrepreneurial drive have led me to create performances, and lead hundreds of events and workshops across Europe, inspiring countless people to find their voice and live conscious lives.

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